OpenAppBuilder enables rapid community-led development of new app deployments drawing from organisational content. This gives you the opportunity to deliver social development programmes that are scaleable, simple to manage and localised.
OpenAppBuilder differs from other approaches in that it inverts the usual process of app development following design. OpenAppBuilder comes with the development infrastructure already in place, so you can focus on designing the app your user community wants. Simply list its components and content in a spreadsheet, and OpenAppBuilder does the rest. Your app is built and ready to deploy and manage straight away.
There’s no wireframing or prototyping because it’s as easy to build a live app as it is to create a wireframe or prototype. So you can draft, try, adjust, test, update and finalise directly with the app itself.
Why should I choose OpenAppBuilder?
Smaller organisations choose OpenAppBuilder because it enables them to co-create their own apps with their users using intuitive content and workflow authoring.
Larger organisations choose OpenAppBuilder because it means they can work with multiple customer groups using common approaches and components, and manage numerous co-produced apps at scale.
Where is OpenAppBuilder already in use?
Currently OpenAppBuilder is used to build apps for public services, social development programmes, to support professional networks or Communities of Practice.
OpenAppBuilder underpins the transformation of the app development approaches for Early Family Math and Parenting for Lifelong Health.
Where can I see an OpenAppBuilder app in use?
A version of the ParentApp for Teens is accessible via a standard web browser. You can download the app from Google Play.
Let’s start a conversation however you prefer:
- Call us on +44/0 118 332 0066
- Email [email protected]
- Send some quick details through this form.
- Schedule a phone or video call at a convenient time. (Google offers a Calendly like function apparently.)
- Via social media? LinkedIn? Others?