AIMS Next Einstein Forum

Following the Data to Quantum Workshop, the Directors of IDEMS attended the NEF Global Gathering 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda ( NEF Global Gatherings are exciting biennial global events where the world of science and technology meet on Africa soil to unveil breakthroughs in science, respond to existing challenges and look to the future. It is a large event, attended by over 1000 people, with talks by the President of Rwanda and President of Senegal, and leading academics and industry leaders, discussing the state and future of science and technology in Africa.

This was an excellent opportunity of IDEMS to meet and discuss with a wide range of actors thinking about the future of science and technology in Africa. The event allowed us to discuss our current work and ideas for future collaborations with new potential partners who we share common goals with. We see the NEF Global Gatherings are important forums to place science and technology in Africa on the global stage, and we are keen to continue our involvement at the next Global Gathering in Kenya in 2020.IDEMS Expansions.